• currents change

    currency inflates

    the deepest-rooted tree sways

    colors fade

    the most beautiful tulip loses its spring

    and the eyes inevitably lose their glisten.

    the tide retreats

    the mind forgets

    all of this

    yes, all of it

    is love’s way

    of inviting us deeper

    what if….

    what if you say yes?

  • the orange sky sighs

    in concern for my safety

    ha! you and me both

  • where did I find it!?

    it’s funny that you should ask.

    I asked the dancing flower

    who heard it from the dancing grass

  • if I'm busy protecting you

    then I don't have to be me

  • art is beautiful

    the trauma and the treatment

    are finally friends

  • for I am all this

    because this created me

    and I create this

  • I made a lot of friends today, they live in the grass.

    last time I was here

    the wildflowers were in full bloom

    chest tall and shoulders back, favoring the sun

    having their moment

    unashamed, rightfully so

    a gentle reminder it's not about me.

    I made a lot of friends today, they live in the grass.

    I met a small frog as she passed

    she stopped for a moment

    I said hello

    she carried on her way.

    I made a lot of friends today, they live in the grass.

    I met many butterflies

    are they related?

    what beautiful colors they have.

    their flight pattern seems a bit erratic

    they must get tired

    they stop for breaks in the grass.

    I made a lot of friends today, they live in the grass.

    crickets and fiddling crawlers

    strawberries and little moths

    I'm not sure what to do, I'm supposed to mow this grass

    it seems inhumane

    maybe I'll mow a little less?

    maybe I'll invent a warning system that alerts my friends?

    maybe I'm a looney tune?

    I prefer the word unique.

    me and my friends are unique

    we live in the grass.

  • you don't get it, do you?

    that's not how this works

    it's like a curse

    a cadence and a rhyme designed to make the blind

    see through the images that appear

    from vibration between the ears

    get it now?

    it's not on demand

    it takes a shaky hand pretending to be stable

    when underwater laughter

    is mistaken for the need to breath

    and the image in the mirror

    is mistaken for identity

  • a pale moon comfortably splayed

    air so lush and crisp and clear

    I reach and try to take a bite.

    leaves crumple under my feet

    and my toes get cold

    before I notice them dancing in the dew.

    the cabin's light glistens in the distance

    the smoke dances over the flame

    to a beat we've all heard.

    familiar, isn't it?

  • purple sky

    you destroy the construct of my mind

    purple sky

    how have I been so blind to this

    purple sky

    have I lost my mind to this

    purple sky

    purple sky

    you make the living come alive

    purple sky

    what have you left behind

    purple sky

  • have you ever been so sad you couldn't cry?

    so down that out

    would be the only way into feeling better.

    have you ever been so sad

    so sad that no energy felt so good

    and feeling so good couldn't feel any worse.

    every minute that goes by is a minute closer to death

    minutes take too long when I feel like this

    every second that goes by is a second closer to death

    that just made me feel better

    just for a second.

  • where the old wind blows that's where my mind goes

    chuckling and jiving are the trees

    the tall grass sways as the animals graze

    nothing here begs to be seen.

    it's little old me and my dear friend the tree


    blowing in the wind.

  • look! two shooting stars!

    two thirty in the morning

    those two were for me.

    really!? sun halo?!

    two thirty afternoon time

    that was just for me.

    a beautiful song

    sung by the river and birds

    that to, just for me.

    a beautiful dance

    by the waking grass today

    this fine day, all mine.

    spun cotton candy

    blue and white, what's it taste like?

    prepared by the sky.

    all this just for me

    all this just for me to see

    I feel so special.

    summer in Vermont

    my soul enlightened by you

    summer in Vermont.

  • look for your face in a flower

    and then you'll see

    how I see myself looking back at me

    when I look for my face in a flower.

    am I crazy?


    but I'm the one looking at a flower

    who could be having a better day than me?

    so do me that favor

    please do it for me

    look for your face in a flower

    then you'll see.

  • “til death do us part”

    only if you do your part

    true love is a choice

  • today, we celebrate small steps

    with confetti fingers and jazz hands

    we celebrate

    with unpredictable feet.

    yes, I've been busy


    and though I'm not bulletproof

    I dare you to try and shoot.

  • until the day the rainbow rains

    I'll stare up at the sky

  • is the sky just an ocean

    we are destined to swim in?

    are the mountains just step stools

    placed precariously for you and me

    to see the world upside down?

    do memories fall from the ocean above?

    when the raindrops cry

    and their tears land gently on my tongue

    so gently

    that they create no splash nor sound

    can you hear my insides smile?

  • want to find yourself?

    spend time with only yourself

    and do nothing else

  • before I forget to tell you

    did you know that flowers

    are just old friends

    dying, to say hello?

  • I'm falling in love

    with the bite in the air

    the crispness coinciding with the crises

    we live our lives within.

    falling in love with the waves

    shared by the tall grass

    dare I take a swim?

    in love with the vision the vision

    of my toes crunching

    rather than collapsing with the sand

    I'm falling in love with falling in love

    and am excited to catch the leaf

    falling like molasses.

  • i am the birch tree

    shedding and finally letting

    my true colors show

  • I rejoice!

    I am alive!

    just to sing a solo to the passing cloud

    "bravo! bravo!"

    yes, even the spider is in awe.

  • ask for help

    listen to silence

    listen to sounds

    not for answers

  • I am not these thoughts that cascade in my mind

    I am the eternal




  • it’s not self-improvement

    self-improvement means I'll keep fighting

    and sprint until I run

    run until I walk until I crawl

    crawl until I lay until I decay

    and if I'm found, I'll say

    "leave me here, I'm fine."

    selflessness is selfish

    because in those moments

    intentions are not with

    everyone involved.

    acceptance and self-exploration

    is the way

    the question is

    can I be with all

    internally and externally

    with love?

    for then I will know peace.

  • I’m either way too high

    or completely grounded

    one thing is certain

    I'm dumbfounded

    by the sound of the black crow's wings

    disturbing so much air

    balance lost touch with my feet

    and the apples fall and hit the ground

    like their stems were still reaching


    that even letting go

    is a doing

  • I am weightless

    yet a heavy presence

    it is cold here

    yet only snowing in the distance

    a throne fit for a king

    the mountain's valley is glistening

    listening closely

    excited for Your Majesty's arrival

    though I never left

  • it's incredible how many words we say in a day

    just giving energy away

  • get situated

    get uncomfortable

    look for support

    find support

    relax. repeat.

    get situated

    get uncomfortable

    look for support

    find none

    freak out a bit

    pretend your fine.

    get situated

    get uncomfortable

    look for support

    find none

    break down

    freak the f*** out


    be uncomfortable


    while surrendered

    relax. repeat.

  • there is no right way

    no right way to recover

    don't be afraid to recover

    allow yourself to fail

    allow yourself the opportunity to be embarrassed

    feel the shame of letting someone down

    build up the courage to go against the grain

    and run your fingers over the guilt which arises

    when one follows their way

    don't fight


    this, too, is love

  • eyes so full of stars

    I'm concerned for their safety

    to think I'm one of them.

    the moon's reflection on my heart

    in the same place she left her mark

    to think

    I'm this blessed.

    as quickly as it comes

    it goes

    as soon as you know

    you don't

    I grieve for those who weren't this lucky

    and smile because I know

    I'm only a moment away from not being okay

    and that moment doesn't yet exist.

Thank you to all the fellow artists who made these projects come to life:

Michael Dalo

Amy Matos

Giuseppe D’amelio

Elliot Feld

Tim Lovejoy

Michael Amaral

Brendan McCarthy

Christopher Robinson

To name a few.